2millionblog's Book Rating Review System

I wanted to take this opportunity to define a book rating system for this blog. I want to be able to convey more than whether a book is good or bad, so I thought I could rate a book on several measures to give you greater insight into the benefit of (or lack there of) reading the book.

I am going to rate each book on a scale from 1 to 5 stars for each measure. I also will try and identify the target audience that will benefit most from the book and those that need not bother with it.

-Level of Inspiration: A key measure to me for most personal finance books is the level of inspiration it provides the reader. I think a lot of personal finance books are great at inspiring the reader, but fail to give real world examples (or vise versa).

-For the Financially Savvy: This measure will try and gauge the usefulness or novelty of ideas discussed in this book (I suspect many of this blog's visitors are financially savvy so this measure is for you)

-Expert Insight: I hope this will measure the level of expertise shared by the author in the subject field of the book. For example if the book is about real estate, what level of insider tips or expertise does the author share with the reader.

-Real Life Experiences: A measure of real life examples or practicality of the book. For example, I would say Rich Dad, Poor Dad would rate low in this category because the author rarely talked about actualy examples in his life that helped him build wealth.

This is a work in progress and will probably refine it after I do a couple of reviews. If you have any other suggestions be sure to leave a comment.

Related in Personal Finance Books:

Four Hour Work Week Book Review (Dec 06, 2010) When the 4-Hour Workweek came out back in 2007 with a lot of buzz I was interested in taking a look. However I was off to China on my international assignment and getting married so reading the 4 Hour Work...

The Big Short Book Review (Sep 23, 2010) I just finished reading Michael Lewis' latest book The Big Short. The book delves into the lives of 3 groups of small time money managers that were able to see the coming collapse of the subprime mortgage bond market...

Stop Acting Rich Book Review (Mar 17, 2010) Back when I was in college a department head gave me a copy of The Millionaire Next Door as a thank-you gift for a project I helped with. This book had a profound effect on me at the time...

Comments (1)


I'm doing marketing for a great dividend-based investment book by Lowell

Miller and judging by your blog I think you'd appreciate his viewpoint and

strategies. Can I send you a complimentary copy? If you like it and think

it's worthwhile you can blog about it but there are no strings attached.

Let me know,

Jo Treggiari

The Print Project

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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