Carnival of Personal Finance #87 in Rio

Welcome to the 87th edition of the Carnival of Personal Finance. Just in time for the real "Carni'val in Rio" this week's edition is ready to party!!

So grab a cocktail and lets get started with the parade.

First up, its Joe in the Golden Lion float - listen as he roars about his questions to ask yourself to control impulse spending.

Next up is Cameron from Beating the Jones is espousing the benefits of a envelope budgeting system.

Kay from DontMessWithTaxes with tax-break relief for tax-induced headaches.

Kirby from Kirby on Finance with ways to to stop nickel and diming yourself into the poorhouse.

Jeffrey from PFAdvice with some of the lies we tell ourselves about money that get us in trouble.

Now we can see George from FatPitch Financials in the Simor Bolivar float (think George Washington of South Ameria). George has some great tax deductions that some of us might have forgotten about!

Mapgirl from Mapgirls Fiscal Challenge with her story of losing her ATM card and the hassles that followed.

Nickel from FiveCentNickel with Ten Ways to Cover Your Ass(ets).

Makingourway with contribution limits for multiple retirement plans.

Amy from MomAdvice with Creating & Meeting Financial Goals.

NCN from NoCreditNeeded poses a question - How Much Do You Pay For Daycare?

Jim at Blueprint for Financial Prosperity with the State of the High Yield Online Savings Account.

Here comes our favorite - the lamas!! Nestled in the lamas is Free Money Finance with the best personal advice ever!

On to the rest of the parade:

TJP from InvestorTrip with Market Games for Beginner Investors.

Paul from the One Year Exit Plan with a list of the top things people want to leave.

The Stubborn Capitalist with 73 ideas to improve all areas of your life.

Ben from MoneySmartLife with Why We Should Save As Much Money As We Can
since you don't know what the future will bring.

Bill from Ask Uncle Bill with Thinking outside the box.

Yan from ProBargainHunter with 10 things you shouldn’t buy new.

Vince from Investorial with Does The Rich Know Something That The Poor Don't?

Jim from MyRetirementBlog with his reason why you should still contribute with a 401k even without a match.

Chris from Nomad4Ever with how much money do you need to retire?

SuperSaver from MyWealthBuilder with his advice on how to prevent yoursefl getting talked into a bad deal.

Golburu from Money, Matter, and More Musings with The Miles We Have Travelled And The Money We Have Spent.

1mil from Millionster with A Step Above the Hustle.

Nina from Queercents with a discussion on revealing how much you make.

Andy from MoneyWalks with 8 reasons why credit cards are better than cash.

Sun from Sun's Financial Diary with some ways to buy gold.

BigCajunMan from Canadian Financial Rants with Einstein's rule of 72.

Dan from Tick Marks with a discussion on the telephone tax refund.

Dan from SearchlightCrusade with getting from where you are to where you want to be with real estate.

HC from One Big Mortar Board with why you should help pay for your child's education.

David from Money with 30 with 11 tips to get your Prosper loan funded.

DDL from Make Your Nut with an idea to save money by patronizing crappy movie theaters.

Bryan Fleming discovers the joys if earning interest on his savings.

TFB from The Finance Buff was denied his tax deductions - hit with the AMT!

Junger from OnlineSavingsBlog highlights how brick and mortar banks are robbing you compared to online savings accounts.

Jimmy from AsktheAdvisor with the top 100 personal finance blogs.

William from A Financial Revolution with some tips on building a credit history.

Steve from DebtFree with the red flags of debt that can save you.

Brad's Bits with his story of opening a Roth IRA. Congrats!

Any from CreditCave with Ethic Considerations when choosing a Financial Planner.

Wandra from Well-heeled with her discussion on whether to dollar cost average her Roth IRA.

---> At this point I would recommend getting a beer refill if you haven't already.... <-----

David from MyTwoDollars with the difference between them and us when it comes to money.

SVB from The Digerati Life with 9 reasons why he loves his credit card.

bluntmoney with her take on pets taking a bite out of your wallet.

Pete from My Financial Awareness with his tips for having a successful budget.

Bob from InsureBlog with a set of online tools to help us manage our health care dollars.

Debt Hater with 4 steps to make a stong doable goal.

Clink from Coins on the Pavement with her job offer to make oodles of money at a job she would hate.

ISPF with some personal finance resources for woment.

Ken from Wise Bread with a how to exploit a real estate agent's greed for your own benefit.

Ed Mamula with why 100% of S&P 500 Index Funds Underperform the Market.

The Skilled Investor with tips for screening index mutual funds on-line with

The Frugal Fibromite with How to Afford Dental Procedures Without Insurance

Daisy from Seeking Wealth with her efforts to Get her insurance together.

Rajan shares some worksheets on budgeting, planning and control.

Not Confucius is over his roth ira income limit.

We're in Debt has some suggestions for talking about finances in a relationship.

Martin from MoneyBlogSite has some tips for improving your credit score.

LivingAtLarge discovers that kids are a big tax break.

Nancy from Coach's Stories with hey Financial Valentine.

MoneyVsDebt has come up with a great personal finance goal to give away $1 million.

RateLadder wonders where the interest is on his Propser account?

Smarty from GrowingMoney with some money management tips.

Matthew from GettingGreen with reasons why loaning money to family is bad.

Dorky Dad with ideas to monetize frequent flyer miles.

Mr. Credit Card with To Prepay Your Mortgage Principal or Not?

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Comments (18)

"Martin from MoneyBlogSite has some tips for improving your credti score."

My link is bad and you spelled credit wrong.


Thanks for hosting this week's Carnival of Personal Finance. I really like the float pictures.

Please do me a favor and fix the link to my article. It looks like some stray code (extra br got caught in the url) got in the way. The link to "tax deductions that some of us might have forgotten about" is actually this one on overlooked tax deductions. Thanks!

Thanks for hosting. Looking forward to the reading.

Thank 2M for this wonderful presentation!

Awesome theme. Excellent job! Time to party!

2M - Thanks for hosting. The float theme is pretty cool! More pictures next time, though (just a selfish request).

I did want to let you know that I'm a girl (OK, maybe a woman) so it should read "Clink from Coins on the Pavement with HER job offer to make oodles of money at a job SHE would hate".

Thanks again for hosting.

Thanks for hosting and though it was early, just had my 3rd cocktail. Is that bad?

Thanks for hosting and the excellent post. Thats one heck of alot of posts and/or reading to accomplish and I commend you on it ;-)

Thanks for hosting, great job!

Thanks for hosting! Great presentation!

This carnival is crap. Thanks for nothing.

Thanks for hosting the carnival. Awesome job.

Thanks for hosting and including me in the parade. Nice presentation and lots of info.

Thank you for the link highlight. I appreciate it! :-)

Interesting idea to use a different font size. Gives me some ideas for my turn hosting.

Thanks for hosting!

But you missed a quote in the url for my article, the missing double quote in the html code is causing the link to fail. If you could fix it that'd be great! Cheers,

Cooooool carnival. Thanks for hosting!

Great blog theme. I'd love to visit Carnival one day!!

Great Carnival ......

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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