July 2017 Net Worth Update (+$25,312)
Highlights for July
- Another great month in the books for 2017. If this was a typical net worth month for us we'd be financially free in < 2 years. Wishful thinking; we are in a marathon, but we'll take months like these when we can get them.
- I've ramped up post-tax contributions to my 401k plan. I intend to try out a new conversion feature in my 401k plan that will let me convert these to Roth IRA contributions at some point soon.
This would effectively allow me to contribute at much higher levels to my Roth IRA than the current $5,500 contribution limit. - We completed our 2 week+ family road trip to Canada, 2,987 miles. Major stops included: Lancaster, PA; Niagra Falls, Toronto, ON; Montreal, ON; Quebec City; Bar Harbor, Maine; and New York City. It was alot of fun with a ton of great memories. It would be great to spend more time and do it slower once we are financiall free! I also mentioned last month that we got into a minor car accident on day 3, we are finally in the process of filing the claim with the insurance.
- I am in the middle of a 3-week business trip to China for the last part of July and into August.
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