Housekeeping Items

Some housekeeping for the blog I have been working on:
-offically picked a title "2million - My Journey to Financial Freedom"
-modified the template to get rid of some of the icons that I wasn't crazy about
-reduced the footer
-signed up for for an RSS feed
-added a blog roll from Bloglines
-submitted the site to Google and Yahoo search engines
-registered the site at Technorati a blog search engine
-signed up for Blog Explosion to increase site traffic
-added a site counter

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2million is moving.... (Sep 13, 2006) 2million is moving to I finally bit the bullet and have setup some permanent space for 2millionblog. Unlike many of my peers, I loved using blogger and had planned on continuing to use it for the foreseeable future. Unfortunately,...

Exchanging Personal Finance Blog Links (May 12, 2006) I have been lazy in keeping up with the blogroll on 2million. If your interested in exchanging blog links make sure you drop me an email @ As long as your blog is slightly related to personal finance I'm...

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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