Business Week Article on 2millionblog

If you haven't seen it, this week's issue of Business Week (January 30th, The Future of Outsourcing) has a small blurb on

It refers to a recent post on how I saved money on a car repair by buying the car parts myself and having the mechanic install them.

Welcome BusinessWeek readers! Be sure to check out this post to find a great index of topics for 2millionblog. Thanks for stopping by.

Related in Media:

Interview on Money Blogger Podcast (Oct 04, 2006) Scott over at Money Bloggers Podcast recently interviewed me for his podcast series. Click To Play: If you haven't listened to all his previous interviews, be sure to dig into the archives. I recently listened to all of them -...

BusinessWeek: Follow My Money (Mar 02, 2006) This week's issue of BusinessWeek includes an article Follow My Money, by Jessi Hempel, which profiles Jonathan Ping, author of My Money Blog. It also mentions several other personal finance bloggers and related sites including yours truely and:Make Love Not...

Comments (16)

DATE: 6:42 PM
I did see you site mentioned in Newsweek, so I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Interesting idea!

DATE: 7:57 PM
Congratulations on the press!

DATE: 1:00 AM
Congratulation 2million!I have been enjoying your blog, very interesting. You actually inspired me to start my own. I will link yours to my

DATE: 2:09 AM
Interesting blog. I have been running my own just on financial

DATE: 3:00 PM
I'm here because of the Business Week article also. Good Luck.

DATE: 7:03 PM
Congratulations !I have been a regular here for some time. I was thrilled to see your name mentioned in the article.

DATE: 9:59 PM
Hey 2million, congratulations on the Business Week article. It stood out like a sore thumb for me. I finally admitted to myself over twenty years ago that I love managing money, especially mine, and began taking it very seriously. The result has been that I should be in the range of your current goal in about 5-7 years.

DATE: 9:13 AM
Hey there - I'm the BusinessWeek reporter who stumbled upon your blog and wrote it up. Good stuff. Any recommendations for other blogs that deserve a similar call-out?Thanks,

DATE: 7:54 PM

DATE: 4:51 PM
Very nice site. I see we share the same goals. I am going to become an engineer also (I am 20 years old by the way)

DATE: 10:35 AM
congratulations!i hope it boosts the traffic to your site!

DATE: 1:35 PM
Hi, Saw your site in the BW and I'm enjoying reading through the posts. It really caught my eye as I'm a MechE (by degree) that just transferred down to IBM RTP.There is a lot of great information on here! Keep up the good work and good luck on reaching your goal.

DATE: 9:30 AM
I came across your blog precisely because I saw it in Newsweek.This is a kewl idea !Keep it up, I'm sure you'll achieve it.

DATE: 5:36 AM
came across ur site through business week Awesome job Keep it up. Made me think. Infact I just opened an HSBC acct . Thanks buddy

DATE: 2:34 AM
Hey there 2million, Good theme for a blog. Have not explored your blog completely. However I am also working on a similar plan to achieve virtual retirement. Inspired by your blog, have begun blogging about my journey as well - in fact started today. Will develop on my theme over the next few days.http://fiscalhealth.blogspot.com

Hey, great to see that a noted magazine will pick up a quality blog like this. It is probably time for me to take my blog seriously - I see this as a way to help others think BEYOND employment. You CAN get free!

So far I am doing a newsletter on achieving financial freedom. Will spend some time following you here. Keep up the good work!

The world needs quietly competent individuals that others can simply follow to create a better world. Show others what can be accomplished a bit at a time, with a coherent target. That is powerful!

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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