October 2006 Net Worth Update (+$14,123)

The markets continued to pick up steam this month and helped put me in a position to shoot for a $100k net worth increase for 2006. October resulted in my 2nd highest monthly gain ever! I also raised cash from selling stock and now need to start thinking about my future investment strategies going forward.






Cash & Savings

$ 33,266.31

$ 50,182.89

$ 16,916.58


Taxable Brokerage Accts

$ 49,819.31

$ 52,002.71

$ 2,183.40


Roth IRA

$ 26,932.40

$ 27,795.81

$ 863.41


Pre-tax Retirement Accts

$ 107,408.35

$ 109,932.16

$ 2,523.81


Stock Option

$ -

$ -

$ -



$ 38,029.59

$ 26,157.75

$ (11,871.84)


House #1 - Rental

$ 160,000.00

$ 160,000.00

$ -


House #2 - Primary

$ 128,225.00

$ 128,225.00

$ -


Receivable (Payable)

$ 300.00

$ 300.00

$ -


Other Assets

$ -

$ -

$ -


Total Assets

$ 543,980.96

$ 554,596.32

$ 10,615.36





$ -


Credit Card Balances

$ (41,090.19)

$ (37,869.38)

$ 3,220.81


House #1 Mortgages

$ (117,474.80)

$ (117,289.36)

$ 185.44


House #2 Mortgages

$ (103,699.01)

$ (103,597.60)

$ 101.41


Rental Deposits

$ (600.00)

$ (600.00)

$ -


Additional Tax Liability

$ -

$ -

$ -


Other Liabilities



$ -


Total Liabilities

$ (262,864.00)

$ (259,356.34)

$ 3,507.66


Net Worth

$ 281,116.96

$ 295,239.98

$ 14,123.02


Highlights for October

Additional Stock Investments for October (Outside of 401k & ESPP):
$50 in Pfizer DRIP
$250 in Vanguard Roth IRA

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Comments (13)


You're my new hero. I'm going to follow you around and pick up all the loose change that fall out of your fat pockets.

I must admit I am all smiles - its good to see such a healthy gain. Now if I can just make it more consistent.

The bulk of the gains are from having such a large investment in IBM. While I paid the price last year from holding the stock, I am reaping the benefits this year.

Wow, congratulations on a fantastic month!! Don't you just love adding up the EOM numbers? Except on down months,then not so fun. BTW I just jumped back and read your post about the talk you and your fiancee had about goals and I think that's fantastic.

Don't worry too much about the delta between you two on expecations for the wedding; if you keep (calmly) discussing it with her....she'll get there.

Little by little, as you show her the benefits to paying attention to the balance sheet, she'll get there. (btw, have you started a balance sheet that incorporates her holdings as well? I converted my then-fiancee, now-husband, very very quickly when I showed him the balance sheet month by month incl. his assets and debts).

That's awesome! Congrats on having such an amazing month. When it comes to the value of your properties do you use the purchase price for the asset value or do you periodically make an educated guess based on other properties in the area/size range?

The value listed for each property is the purchase price I paid for them.

Finance Girl,
Good suggestions - I have been thinking of doing that, but our current physical situation has caused enough tension in our relationship.

When I settle back home I hope that we will have more time to start getting ont he same page and hopefully reviewing our monthly net worth statements.

Way to go, 2Million --- that's a great gain to post this month!!! I also have a large portion of my assets invested in the stock market and it's nice to see that our diligent investing has been paying off.

Congrats! October has been good to you

Where did the extra 16,916.58 came from ?

the bulk of the change in cash is the result of selling off some employer stock - see corresponding drop in espp line item

2million: That's another solid month! Considering that you are not married yet, the number is more impressive.

Regarding the stock sells, I am not sure if the timing was right, but it did give you some cash cushion as I can see from your numbers that excluding the proceeds from selling the stocks and BT offers, your cash reserve is only about several thousands, which is kind of low. At 5+% APY, have some extra cash isn't a bad idea.

Congrats. That's one healthy month. I am jealous...$14K a month !! :)

Great month! How do you create the table for this page? Is it an excel export or do you just manually copy into a template you've setup? I'm looking at putting a net worth section on my site (http://www.successfulpersonalfinance.com).

I dont understand the phrase, financial freedom??
when is this??

thank you

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About 2millionblog.com

A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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