July 2012 Net Worth Update (+$18,119)

Highlights for July

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Comments (3)

Hello, what are you investing in that got a 5.22% gain in your pre tax retirement accounts? Thank you.

I wish I was getting 5% monthly - good question. That caught my eye as well. I use Mint to track account values and I suspect this a combination of my normally decent monthly contributions/company match and a discrepancy in Mint. I think Mint had the end value in June wrong (see June net worth) as it should it as a down month, but I suspect it was actually a decent gain.

As far as what the money is in - a mix of international index, total market index, and small cap index mutual funds.

No tax liability reserve setup for close to half million dollars between brokage and pre tax retirement accts?

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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