March 2013 Net Worth Update (+$28,259)

Highlights for March

  • We like to take advantage of 0% APR balance transfers and other credit card offers for free money. In January we earned a $500 bonus on a new Capital One Spark credit card.
  • Our properties are listed on our balance sheet based on their cost basis, not current market value. We did this while the real estate market was riding high and we continue to do it now during the slide. I believe real estate is too illiquid to list based on recent sale transactions. For those interested, our March Zillow property estimates are: $193,369; $120,123; $292,803 (which recently appraised for $270k); and $231,405.
  • March was a big month from an income statement perspective. I received my annual bonus this month as well as received an $8k advance from my employer for something we are working on that I'm hoping to share next month. In the meantime the $8k shows up in "Cash & Savings" and is offset under "Other Liabilities" with a corresponding $8k liability since it hasn't been consumed yet.
  • March was also a pretty good month from an investment standpoint with my personally managed portfolio returning 4.5%+ in March.
  • I have to admit now with a 3 year old and a 6 month old and my other commitments that I'm starting to struggle to regularly post to this blog. Weeks fly by in the blink of an eye. My family is my priority so posting will likely be more sporadic until my time commitments lighten up.

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Comments (2)

Keep up the good work!

Make sure you get to sprinkle enough days in like the one describe here in along those 8 - 10 years. Your three year old will be much older then and some things will just be missed if you wait. I had a coworker who spent most of the second half of 2012 working double shifts to help out my company. His prize at the end was a three week vacation with his family over the holidays. Tragically on his third day of vacation he was admitted to the hospital for sever back pain. Cancer was found in his liver and he died in the hospital 10 days later. Make sure you make time in every week or every day for your growing family because who knows what might be in 10 years or even 10 months from now. I work in the Semiconductor industry and I work 4 days a week since I have had my kids. I get pressure all the time to work 50 - 60 hours a week but I stick to my 36. I am not looking for any promotions. I enjoy the work I do, I do a good job and then I go home. Above all I enjoy the balance I have working 4 days a week and having 3 days off.

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A personal finance weblog of my journey to reach my goal of $2 million + the value of my primary residence.
Current Net Worth: $1,938,393


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